IBEXtrax.com - Cascade Mountains of Washington State

Glacier Peak Wilderness

Glacier Peak

19 June 1974

03 069 Glacier Peak in Her Pink Evening gown


On the approach to Glacier Pk, the secretive napping volcano poses in a pink evening gown. The high, glacierized and eroded cone is the only remaining wilderness volcano in the state.



03 070 Chris H Taking a brake above Kennedy Ridge

On Glacier Ridge during the approach to climb Glacier Peak, the climbers take a rest stop near Kennedy Ridge. This view across the valley of the Whitechuck River sees the unnamed points along Camp Creek Ridge and the snow covered Black Pk that rise out of the Fir and Hemlock forests that surround the Kennedy Hot Springs area. Glacier Peak Wilderness; Mt Baker-Snoqualmie Forest; Darrington Dist. 74


03 071 Base camp at 7500ft on Glacier Peak

The climbers made high camp at the 7200ft level on Glacier Ridge just below Kennedy Peak. The camp provided good access to the Frostbite Ridge route on the North side of Glacier Pk. Frostbite Ridge culminates at Rabbit Ears Rocks, shown here left of the summit. This prominent crest leads from Kennedy Peak SSE between the Kennedy and Ermine Glaciers. It has also been called Pumice Ridge and the North Cleaver.


03 072 Shawn C climbing the South Rim on Glacier Peak

On the final steep icy slope during the ascent of Glacier Peak, the crampon clad climbers kicked steps up the south rim of the summit crater. The ¼ mile wide crater was blown out on the East side by an explosive eruption of about 12,000 years ago. Immense blankets of volcanic ash drifted E and NE by prevailing winds. Glacier's trademark yellow pumice can be found in a wide swath extending into Alberta & Saskatchewan


03 073 Glacier Peak summit photo Shawn C Warren Chris H

The triumphant trio of Cascade volcano climbers (Shawn C, J Warren B and Chris H) posed on the cold snow covered summit of Glacier Peak. This late spring morning in June 1974 had a clear unobstructed view 100 miles South to Mount Rainier. Clad in coated nylon in preparation of a sitting glissade descent, the climbers had applied ClownWhite grease paint to protect uncovered flesh from the high altitude rays of the sun.


03 074 East Toward Bonanza Pk from Glacier

The view to the East from Glacier Peak summit (10,541 ft) reveilles many snowy mountains along the Cascade crest. Notable center left the dark pyramid of Bonanza Peak at 9,911 ft is the tallest non-volcanic summit in the state. Closer and to the right is Buck Mountain. The far skyline right shows the peaks of the Pasayten triple crown area. Glacier Peak Wilderness Area. June '74.


03 075 Glacier Peak Base Camp the morning after Chris H

At the Glacier Peak Base Camp the morning after, the climbers pack-up for the descent back down to Darrington. The town of Darrington was first named Barrington, but the "B" was changed to a "D" by a postal department error. The town was originally called "The Portage" because the Sauk Indians used this area as a portage between the north fork of the Stillaguamish River and the Sauk R. Glacier Peak Wilderness.


03 076 Shawn C Chris H below Glacier Pk Camp

After four days in the wilderness it was time to head out to the car.




03 077 Glissade On Upper Glacier Ridge

It wasn't all a boring trudge to get out of the wilderness. Some was exciting and fun like this high speed glissade on upper Glacier ridge.



03 077s1 Glacier Peak sketch


03 077s2 Glacier Peak sketch north routes


03 077s3 Glacier Peak sketch west routes


03 077xm Glacier Peak Map


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