IBEXtrax.com - Cascade Mountains of Washington State

West slope Stevens Pass

Falls and Lake Serene

Spring 1972

01 081 Looking up at Wallace Falls State Park


Wallace Falls honors Skykomish Indian Sarah "Kwayaylsh"; a homesteader near the town of Startup (called Wallace until 1901) where rail workers added engines to "Startup" the pass.



01 105 Some say Amos D Gunn named Mount Index

Some say Amos named Mount Index. By April 1890, Amos D. Gunn (1843-1907) and his wife, Persis (d. 1898), had purchased a squatter's claim which held a small log cabin serving as a miners' hotel, "Cady Lodge." They constructed a larger building at the confluence of the Skykomish forks and if became the primary hostelry and supply depot for those heading east to the mining towns of Galena, Mineral City, and Monte Cristo.


01 106 Winter day hiking near Lk Serene

On this Winter day hike to Lake Serene, we drove all the way to the shaft at the Honeymoon Mine. Since then the road has washed out and added a mile to the route. The old trail that climbed up the West side of Bridal Veil Creek was notoriously renowned for its muddy roots that passed for a trail. Now, the new route East of the Falls is a long monotonous series of wooden staircases. Skykomish Ranger District. 1972


01 107 Snowy Philadelphia Mtn above Lk Serene


Snowy Philadelphia Mtn above Lake Serene. This rare sunny day near Mount Index typifies the winter wonder in a range that averages only nine sunny days during the winter season.



01 108 Fisherman at Lake Serene

Picturesque Lake Serene is not know for its good fishing. This deep, snow-fed, fifty three acre lake is located northeast of Mt Index and less than three miles south of the community of Index. The lake is secluded in a deep mountain pocket and surrounded by talus slopes. In 1890, Mount Index was named by A D Gunn when he bought out a nearby squatter's rights. He thought the sharp spires looked like index fingers.


01 109 Fireweed and Bees


Fireweed or Wickup near Lake Serene. You can tell how far along the summer is by how high up on the stalk the flowers are blooming; the higher up the blooms, the later into the summer.



01 110 Resting rock on Lake Serene

The old Lake Serene trail was never really "constructed", but was beaten out by boots of miner, fisherman and climbers. It could scarcely be recommended as an easy stroll for beginners. The old one mile route was a ladder of near vertical muddy roots that climbed straight up the west side of Bridal Veil Falls. The new four mile trail east of the falls is an incredibly engineered sectioned staircase of over 100 steep steps.


01 120 Snoqualmie Falls


Snoqualmie Falls, located between the towns of Snoqualmie and Fall City, is the natural barrier that separated the salmon-culture Indians from the venison hunters of the forest.



01 103 Now this is nature photography. Name unknown


An attempt at Nature photography taken along May Creek during a jeep-road hike to Lake Isabel. Mt Baker-Snoqualmie Forest 6/71.




01 108 Don B below the walls of Mt Index

The snow clad winter walls of Mt Index whose flying buttresses are so steep no snow can stick. North Pk East face first ascent came in July of '51 and not repeated of 15 years.





01 120m Lake Serene Mt Index Map.


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