Map - Cascade Mountains of Washington State

Alpine Lakes Wilderness, Mt Baker-Snoqualmie Forest

IBEX Tales - Stories and Notes Photo Albums - Selected Slides Chronology of Climbs and Trips Adventure Selection Map

Necklace Valley - Tank Lakes

25 February 1977

05 016 Dip Top Peak heads E Fork Foss R

Looking up the Foss River East Fork is P6067 on the ridge South of Dip Top Peak. View from the steep climbing into the Necklace Valley.




05 017 Snow Covered Opal Lk at Sunset Tony

First snow covered lake in the Necklace Valley is Jade Lake. At the head of the valley is "La Bohn Peak". Alpine Lakes Wilderness. Feb '77.




05 018 February Sun Shines on Bald Eagle Pk

The last rays of the sun shines this February day on Bald Eagle Peak.




05 019 Emerald Lake Shelter Tony Rudi M

In 1949 a group of fishermen called the Trail Blazers raised $700, through member donations, members soliciting donations, and a dance, to have the Forest Service build the Necklace Valley Cabin. The first cabin was started in a location that was buried in an avalanche and it had to be rebuilt here near Emerald Lake. Construction was completed in 1951 and dedicated to WWII Navy Vet John "Jack" Streeter.


05 020 Snowshoes & shirtsleeves in Necklace Valley

Wearing sleeveless shirts and snowshoes, the climbers break out above timber line and leave the Necklace Valley far below. The Necklace Valley is located east of the main alpine lakes but still in the heart of the Alpine Lakes Wilderness. The narrow valley holds no less than nine picturesque, high mountain lakes and most bear necklace theme names like Jewel, Locket, Jade, Emerald and Opal. Skykomish District.


05 021 Jive Rudi M on Steep Ice

Climbing on steep ice? Not!




05 022 Rudi M climbs into the sun near Tank Lks


Nearing the ridge crest just south of Otter Pt, the climbers ascend into the afternoon sun. In a normal snow year, to reach this backcountry location, plan on 12 miles of deep, soft snow. '77



05 023 Rudi M and Tony near Tank Lks La Bon Pk

From the flats near Foehn Lake, this view is looking east across the Necklace Valley to Mount Hinman's 7492ft summit. The uniquely gentle peak is named for Dr Harry B Hinman; a member of the Mountaineers climbing club and a dentist residing in Everett. The peak was named for him in 1934. The Hinman Gl is part of the largest field of glaciers to be found in King County or any locale between Glacier Pk and Mt Rainier.


05 024 Summit Chief Chimney Rock Overcoat Pk

The view looking south from the Tank Lakes area shows the high peaks along the Cascade crest. The rocky bulk on the left is Summit Chief Mountain. In the center are the twin prongs of Chimney Rock. The rocky castellated summit on the right is Overcoat Peak. The first ascent of Overcoat (route unknown) was made by A H Sylvester about 1893; he named the peak after the overcoat he left on the top during surveying.


05 025 Rudi M Tony John B near Otter Pt

Tank Lakes camp shown here just South of Otter Point.




05 026 Summit Chief Chimney Rk Overcoat Pk

To the south of Tank Lakes are Summit Chief Mtn, Chimney Rk and Overcoat Pk. Overcoat was named by A H Sylvester when he left his coat on top during a 1897 surveying trip. It is said that Sylvester left the coat on purpose. He built a cairn atop the peak and buttoned around it the coat he had worn on the climb. The coat was casually discarded in this manner because it had proved to be too small for comfortable wear.


05 027 Sunset Over Iron Cap Mountain

February winter sunset over Iron Cap Mountain. First ascent: 1925 by Joe Hazard and party.




05 028 Windy night Broken tent pole Rudi John

The morning after a windy night at Tank Lakes camp finds a broken tent pole. Those who spent the night in bivouac sacks broke no poles.




05 029 Steve Warren Tony John Rudi anoraks

Steve, Warren, Tony, John and Rudi pose in Earl E Winters Anoraks near the camp a Tank Lks. Steve was the biggest of our group & invented the World Famous Sheller Cookie. You would want to be extra nice to Steve so he would want to give you one of his huge cookies. The recipe was similar to a Tall house but they included Wheat Germ and M&Ms. You would only need one per trip, for each weighed nearly a half pound.


05 030 Snag and Storm Chimney Rk Overcoat Pk

After storm a monochrome view of Chimney Rock and Overcoat Peak. Looks like this silver snag has weathered many a storm.




05 030m Necklace Valley Tank Lakes Map


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