IBEXtrax.com - Cascade Mountains of Washington State

Adventure Selections Map - Public Lands

This site created and maintained by THE IBEX


Hiking, Mountaineering and Rock climbing can be extremely dangerous activities that could cause serious injury or even result in death. Do not attempt any of the activities on this web site without proper equipment, training and a thorough understanding of the risks. Even then, there is no guarantee that any mountain adventure will be safe! The Cascade Mountain Range of Washington State is an extremely dynamic environment. Glaciers move, rocks fall, avalanches slide and even volcanoes occasionally erupt in these mountains. Therefore, I can take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this web site. The tales offered in this web site reflect my personal recollections, and as such, are not intended to be used as route finding information for any climb or hike. Though I have bagged hundreds of Cascade Mountain summits while going solo, I highly recommend that you surround yourself with a number of competent mountain travelers when you go into the wilderness. These groups thoroughly research any climb or wilderness trip with known and trusted guide books before undertaking any outdoor activity. Resting when tired, staying within the scope of your abilities, not overextending yourself and keeping alert are all interrelated tasks that can help insure success in the two most important goals. First, get home safely. Second, enjoy your visit into the wilderness. To be safe in the mountains will allow you to return.